IVF Treatment
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is basically a process where healthy sperm( own or donor’s) fertilizes healthy eggs(own or donor’s) in the laboratory (rather than in the woman’s fallopian tube). There are various steps involved in the entire process, some of which might include: 1. Firstly, mature and healthy eggs are retrieved. Then the sperms from the parent or donor is fertilized in the laboratory. 2. When the fertilized egg or embryos grows in the laboratory for over five days (blastocyst stage) then it is transferred to the woman’s uterus and the process is known as embryo transfer. 3. The transfer of embryos is a delicate process that involves passing it through a very fine tube. The embryo is passed through the cervix and placed into the uterine cavity for implantation. Generally, one or two embryos are transferred at a time and the additional embryos are stored by freezing for use in subsequent treatments.