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Ovarian Cystectomy

An ovarian cystectomy is surgery to remove a cyst from your ovary. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery technique that only uses a few small incisions in your lower abdomen. The normal ovary by nature is a partially cystic structure. Most ovarian cysts develop as consequence of disordered ovulation in which the follicle fails to release the oocyte. The follicular cells continue to secrete fluid and expand the follicle, which over time can bec ome cystic.

The ovaries are the female pelvic reproductive organs that house the ova and are also responsible for the production of sex hormones. They are paired organs located on either side of the uterus within the broad ligament below the uterine (fallopian) tubes

Reasons for Procedure

An ovarian cyst may need to be removed if it is:

  • Suspected of being cancerous —the chances are more likely in older woman
  • Large—more than 2.5 inches in diameter
  • Solid—rather than containing just fluid
  • Causing pain